Des van Jaarsveld was born in ___________________ on 27 th May 1939. He is married to Sally. Des achieved Free State A-team Colours on 13 occasions, from 1966-1979 and he also achieved his Free State
Shore Angling Colours in 1976 & 1977.
Des achieved Springbok Colours during 1981, 1983 & 1987.
As an angler Des were crowed Free State Champion for 2 years in succession.
As administrator, Des served on the Free State Provincial Council for 36 years over the period 1972 to 2008. He served as Publicity Officer, Competition Secretary, Provincial Secretary, Convener of the Selection Committee, President of Free State Angling Union.
Des served on the SAFBAF National Council for 34 years over the period 1980 to 2014 as administrator on SAFBAF
Management level. He served as Convener of National Selection Committee, Secretary, Vice President and